Tito to drop Ortiz in the lineup?

Stumbled on this interesting tweet from Joe Haggerty (a regular guest of Fireside Chats) after tonight’s game.

Tito to drop Ortiz in the lineup?

I think it’s time.  Since coming back from his “break”, Ortiz has hit a measly .158 with nine, count them K, K, K, K, K, K, K, K, K, in twenty one plate appearances.  That’s a remarkable 43%.  Of course, he does have his only home run of the season (whippeee).  Granted he’s faced a ton of left handed pitching since his hiatus.  But it is time to make a change for the good of all parties involved.

If I were drawing up tomorrow’s lineup, here’s my card:
1. Ellsbury
2. Pedroia
3. Drew
4. Youkilis
5. Bay
6. Ortiz
7. Lowell
8. Varitek
9. Green
Time for Tito to take some action.
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