TMQ Hearts MNF

You knew he wouldn’t be able to resist last night’s game

Peyton Manning is praised so much, I hesitate to stack another accolade on the pile. But egads, this gentleman is good. Nobody throws as accurately off the back foot — the ability to throw accurately while your body is moving backward enables a quarterback to frustrate a pass rush. Nobody throws precise sideline routes as well as Peyton, and right-on-the-sideline is the hardest point for the secondary to defend. Obviously, Manning excels at calling plays at the line of scrimmage. Miami tried to confuse him by showing one front, then backing out of it after he made his call, then returning to the original front. He didn’t fall for it. Except for on two snaps, Manning’s read of what Miami was about to do was right — and on the game-winning throw to Pierre Garcon, he read the Dolphins’ defense perfectly.

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