Tonight’s Cavs game is gonna suck

If you read all about the blockbuster deal the Cavs pulled off yesterday, you’ve got to be excited for the new look of the team. Tonight, Cleveland takes the floor against the Washington Wizards.

But the game will not be pretty for the good guys.

First of all, Daniel Gibson will not be available for another 4-6 weeks. His severely sprained ankle will keep him out until the final week of the regular season, most likely.

Sasha Pavlovic and Anderson Varejao are also not going to be in uniform, both still sitting out with injuries (AV will be back soon, but not tonight).

Wally Szcerbiak and Delonte West were 2,500 miles away in Portland, Oregon Thursday when the trade was announced. They have about 28 hours from the trade to gametime to get packed, get themselves into town, get situated, learn the team’s gameplan and get on the court. I’ll be surprised if either player sees the floor tonight (and if they do, it’s minimal time at best).

Ben Wallace was in Chicago when he was told of the trade, but he expected to be sent elsewhere. He was probably on a plane already last night and may have arrived in Cleveland already. He might get some game time, especially since his biggest task will involve defense (a team concept much easier to adapt to than the offensive scheme is). But again, I’d be shocked if he got a lot of game time.

Joe Smith was also in Chicago, but I’m not sure if he was prepared to be traded. But if Wallace is in Cleveland, so is Smith. The Cavs would have put him on the same plane. However, Smith’s appearance tonight isn’t expected.

So where does that leave us? Here’s our roster for tonight;

LeBron James
Zadrunas Ilgauskas
Devin Brown
Eric Snow
Damon Jones
Dwayne Jones

Yep. That’s it. Six guys.

If you’re paying attention to sports radio today, expect to hear about a few players being signed from the NBA Developmental League. A bunch of 10-day contracts are about to be awarded, which will really only last for one game, but the Cavs will still have to pay the 10-day salary.

A small price to pay for what this team is now capable of.

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