Top Ten Marreese Speights Twitter Hashtags Other Than #CrazySpeights


top ten marreese speights twitter hashtags (Photo: LetsGoWarriors Twitter account)

ORACLE ARENA, OAKLAND, CA — Golden State Warriors backup power forward Marreese Speights was “en fuego” last night, scoring 32 points on 12-for-15 from the field and grabbing 8 rebounds in a pummeling of the Philadelphia 76ers.

[Check out the Recap Round-Up and Sights & Sounds from the victory!]

Naturally, #DubNation took to Twitter for some added fun, coming up with various funny hashtags to laud Speights’s performance.

We will now count down the Top Ten hashtags we observed, other than #CrazySpeights, which was promoted on TV by CSN:

10. (tie) #Speightstastic & #HisSpeightsness

If I had to choose, I’d go with #Speightstastic since it’s so close to “Spazz-tic”, however, I must admit that #HisSpeightsness has a bit more comedy to it as it gives Speights a tinge of royalty when doing so would otherwise seem impossible.



9. #MoMoney

This one is so simple and to-the-point. Obviously, the reference to being “money” is perfect for his 12-for-15 shooting. This is a rather “old school” selection.


8. #Speightslicious

Another comedic mashup two extremes.


7. #GoldenSpeightBridge

In #DubNation, references to bridges get extra brownie points. Rhyming “Speight” with “State” is almost genius.


6. #SpeightsdOut

Superb play on “Spaced Out”.


5. #MoPrah

Any reference to Oprah Winfrey is of the highest praise.


4. #JackOfAllSpeights

Mo was exactly that, showing an array of jumpshots.


3. #AceOfSpeights

Mo should trademark this, pronto, although he should not interfere lest a rapper wants to make this a hit.


2. #Speightstacular

‘Nuff said.


1. #MoBron

So simple, so powerful, so funny.


Click for Sights & Sounds or the Recap Round-Up from this game.

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