Travel: Culture and Lifestyle of Sydney, Australia


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Sydney, Australia is a true blend of cultures given the waves of immigration that have followed ever since the first European settlement was set up in 1788.

It has since seen people come in from over 200 countries to add up to the original inhabitants, the Aboriginal and the Torres Strait Islander people and the popularity of Australia is still surging. This interaction of peoples has resulted in a rich blend of traditions and lifestyles in the city known for its warm climate, lovely beaches, diversity and dynamism.

There are several areas where one can look at the mix of Sydney’s lifestyle and they include the following;

Traditions: People in Sydney are generally casual, curious warm and cheerful. They are also well-known for their hard work expressed in having some of the longest work hours in the developed countries.

Language: The language diversity in Sydney rivals that of any city with over 250 languages spoken. English is the most widely spoken language and it is also the national language. However, Arabic, Cantonese and Mandarin are also other major languages.

Habits and hospitality: Sydney people are friendly and tolerant thanks to their mixed heritage. They have a strong sense of responsibility and restraint thus may at times come off as stiff. They are however generally hospitable and their traders some of the most honest you will find anywhere.

Cuisine: The mixed cultures mean it is hard to have a general staple dish. However they make up for this with a several rich traditional dishes. Common treat include the meat layer pie, the barracuda and kangaroo steak.

The Art Scene: Sydney is a bubble of art and in Australia, only Melbourne comes close in terms of richness in almost every genre of art. The following are some of the treasures that can be experienced on the Sydney art scene;

Music and dance: Sydney is a home to many musical acts, the Sydney Symphony is world-famous and the Australia opera is also based in Sydney. Aside from these there are many other bands and each singer in Sydney in other forms of music such as jazz indie rock, alternative rock and other Avant grade music genres. There is always the influence of the traditional songs in all these genres.

In dance, Sydney is well-known for its ballet schools and troupes along with modern forms of dance like electronic dance.

Performing arts: Sydney is home to the world-renowned playwright David Williamson and is host to a number of theaters which host a variety of performed art genres.  Top theaters include The Wharf Theater, The Capitol Theater and the Sydney Theater.

Film and Visual arts: Sydney is one of the top film centers not just in Australia but also in Asia. It has been a shooting location for top films such as The Matrix and Finding Nemo while also host to several top film festivals like the annual Sydney Film Festival and the Flicker fest and Tropfest which are short-film festivals.

There are a number of visual artist and the high number of visual arts galleries and centers is testament to Australia’s love for art. Popular ones include the Museum of Contemporary art and the Sydney Observatory.

Sports, Leisure and Recreational activities

Sports: Sydney plays host to some of the best stadiums and a number of sports teams and centres. Common sports include Rugby, soccer, baseball and Australian football.

Festivals: The atmosphere in Sydney always seems that of a carnival thanks to the many festivals it hosts from art festivals to cultural ones. The biggest is the Sydney Festival which runs a whole three weeks or January. Others include the Big Day Out, Streosonic festival etc.

Nightlife: Sydney has a vibrant nightlife thanks to the carefree attitude of its residents. There are so many red light venues, night clubs and jazz and rock clubs, basically every taste is catered for.

(Author Bio:  Cristiana Victoria is an energetic blogger from Birmingham, UK. She composes articles on travel, wellbeing, auto and account related themes. Starting now she is concentrating on Australian Visa, which provides visa assistance to visitors.)

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