Tribe Fan Wants to Throw Out First Pitch


It all started with a dream.

All Jack Lipscomb wanted to do was throw out the first pitch before a Cleveland Indians game. So he did what any 19-year-old college student would do…he sent them a tweet.

“I always see people tweet out those ‘how many retweets for’ tweets,” the West Virginia freshman told The Hall of Very Good, “so I figured I might as well use it to my advantage.”

At first the response was slow, but then the Tribe responded and a goal was established. Within hours, Lipscomb saw his re-tweets go from a few…to more than 40,000 (and growing).

100 million. Easy, right?

To put that into perspective, Twitter has an estimated 320 million users, meaning…dude is going to need just less than a third of them to re-tweet his request. Sure, Lipscomb is a long way from his goal, but with 81 homes games at Progressive Field on the schedule, you can’t tell me the guy isn’t at least worthy of being considered for first pitch honors.

And if the regular season isn’t in the cards…Spring Training is right around the corner.

Let’s make this happen!

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