TRIVIA: Lefty rookie bashers

First things first: I asked the mythical ground-rule triple question: Fenway Park is the only stadium where you can get a ground-rule triple. How?
Tessie’s Dad not only got it right by saying it’s a hit off the ladder, but found out it was a myth. I called the Red Sox myself and got confirmation: it is a myth. Boo. I got to be honest, I’m kinda a little disappointed. Ground rule triples are cool. Anyways, I’ll award Tessie’s Dad the victory, so please e-mail me the new poll question on Monday, TD?
New trivia question. This is a question that has three names, so here’s what we’ll do: for each name (first come first serve) right, you get to ignore the honor code of the next chronological trivia. If Mostly Running gets the first name but not the last two and Tom A jumps in with the final two names, both MR and Tom A can ignore the honor code for the next question, but only TomA can ignore it for the next trivia question. If that doesn’t make sense, don’t worry, I’ll sort the mess out later. Bottom line: Even if you don’t know all three names, you can answer with what you do know.
Who are the three left-handed batters for the Red Sox that have hit 20 or more home runs in their rookie year?

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