TRIVIA: Name of bullpen

The winner of the last trivia question was… no one. But since Jc came up with the answer via his Red Sox calendar, I’m awarding him the ability to offer up the next poll question. Jc, please e-mail me on Monday the new question and I’ll put it up. The current poll question (what to do with Julio Lugo) will run until Monday.
New trivia (and this isn’t from the calendar!):
The bullpens at Fenway Park weren’t always there, having been added after the original park opened. Sportswriters and fans alike assigned a name to the bullpens. What was the name, and why was it called that?
HONOR CODE: Don’t look up the name or reason, but you can look up when the bullpens were added. If you know one of the answers, but not both, leave it anyways. A hint will be given tomorrow if no one knows the answer.
The winner gets to create the next trivia question.

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