TrueHoop Network Podcast via Hardwood Paroxysm

Matt Moore of Hardwood Paroxysm discussed the first three possible selections of the 2009 NBA Draft with their respective TrueHoop bloggers yesterday with Kevin Arnovitz of ClipperBlog, Chip Crain of 3 Shades of Blue, and Royce Young of Daily Thunder.

Well, with draft day upon us, he decided to focus on the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh picks with their respective bloggers from the THN to see what the best, worst, and most likely scenarios will be on draft day.

Hey, the Kings have the fourth pick! Matt discussed the fourth pick situation with a Kings blogger from the THN.

Hey, I’m the Kings blogger from the THN!

Yep, Matt and I discuss the Kings situation in the first 10-ish minutes of this podcast before he turns his attention to Patrick of Howlin’ T-Wolf and Mike from Knickerblogger.

Be sure to give it a listen, subscribe on iTunes and leave a 5-star review if you can.

Your support is much appreciated. And don’t forget about the biggest LiveBlog this internet has ever seen around 3pm PST as the entire TrueHoop Network settles in for the entirety of the NBA Draft and then some.

Time for New Beginnings…

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