Trying (That’s the Key Word) To Be Positive

We’re going to stop freaking out about Daisuke Matsuzaka. We’re going to stop wondering if Theo has his head screwed on right. We’re going to stop worrying about J.D. Drew and Julio Lugo.
Today, we’re going to be positive.
I know it’s hard. I had a very hard time writing this.
But I’m going to try to show my positivity.
I’m positive that Scott Boras is going to get lambasted if he lets Matsuzaka go back to Japan. That Matsuzaka will be viewed as a mercenary. That Boras will never be able to live down not replying to the Red Sox’s “comprehensive” offer of 10 days ago. That everyone will know Boras is trying to railroad Matsuzaka to the Yankees, even if it means Matsuzaka has to return to Japan for another year.
I’m positive the Red Sox are doing everything they can and standing by their values. I’m positive this is how to operate business, as this is how the Patriots operate, and we all know how successful they are … no matter how gut-wrenching this is to me to hear right now.
I’m positive our team will be better than last year.
I’m positive David Ortiz is going to single-handily turn my day from a horrible one to an amazing one no less than five times next year.
I’m positive that our rotation (Matsuzaka or no Matsuzaka) will not implode again.
I’m positive our closer will come from outside of the organization, and not be Devern Hansack, which is the option if no closer is found.
I’m positive that at the end of the season, J.D. Drew and Julio Lugo will put up the numbers they’ve been putting up the last few years.
I’m positive that the contributions of the young ones will be something special we all enjoy watching – from Jon Lester to Manny Delcarmen to Craig Hansen to Dustin Pedroia to Jacoby Ellsbury and on and on.
I’m positive that Theo will score another excellent draft, as he has done so two straight years.
I’m positive that Theo will make a deadline deal this time around, after being a proponent of the fact that a deadline deal does benefit the club, as evidenced in 2004. He tested that theory and lost in 2006. He won’t do it again.
I’m positive that Fenway Park will be sold out all 81 games again.
I’m positive that it is always hard to be a Red Sox fan. Always. Yankee fans have it easy, right now I’m chugging down the Pepto-Bismol and praying the Red Sox sign Matsuzaka.
I’m positive that this Matsuzaka signing (or non-signing) is going to be the story the entire season. The. Entire. Season.
But in the end … I’m positive that there’s no other team I’d rather root for. There’s no other team with as good fans as the Red Sox have. There’s no other team that inspires this much anger and joy in the entire fanbase.
I’m positive that the Red Sox will win the World Series.
Yeah. I said it. I’m positive we’re going to win the World Series.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go to the store and get more Pepto.
(And please. Sign Matsuzaka.)

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