TTUN Week, 2008

To me, this week is like the week before Christmas.  Every year since I realized what college football was, this week has been my favorite time of year.

Recently, especially since Jim Tressel took over as head coach, TTUN fans have been relegated to one argument and one argument only….all-time record in the game.  They furiously point to the days of the early 1900s, when TTUN regularly beat the Buckeyes.  You know, the days when Phineus Q. Rosenblarff scuttled up the terrain for over 80 lengths per contest.  The gals were blushin’ in their bloomers for that resolute young scallywag, they were.

Having been written off for dead in 2008, the Wolverines have but one shot to save their season.  If they beat Ohio State, it’ll make their lives worth living again.  Otherwise, they’ll be forced to say ridiculous stuff like repeating Rich Rodriquez’ first-season record at West Virginia (hint, TTUN fans….WVA was never a college football elite team.  RR has relegated your once proud school to the likes of being compared to West freaking Virginia).

So we as Ohio State fans must be VERY careful this week.  We must display pride and snicker at the little school near the bottom of the conference, but we must also stand tall, lest our beloved Buckeyes and our pride be crushed by TTUN.  Because ANYBODY can win this game.  That’s what makes this rivalry great.

But also, let’s remember.  Their quarterback is Nick Sheridan.  He’s like Steve Bellisari without all the flashiness.

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