Tuesday Night Is Your Night

NBA TV is going to air 96 games this year.  Starting November 4, it will air a game every Tuesday night… that you choose.

Ahhh…. but before we sit here and decide to put the Celtics on national TV every Tuesday night…. there is a catch.

Each team can only appear on the network nine times, so when the quota is used, certain Tuesday games may be struck from the ballot. Also, games will be blacked out in local markets, so it would not make sense for a Cleveland fan to vote for his or her team's game. However, it allows him or her to vote for a game involving a popular team they would like to see.

Oh…. the possibilities are endless. 

What's that… a HUGE Lakers-Hornets game on Tuesday night?  Let's all vote for it so the folks in LA can't watch it.  This is power that will DEFINITELY get abused by the blogosphere.  Hell… I'm looking FORWARD to abusing it.  What good is power if you can't manipulate it to suit your every whim? 

Remember that composite ball that everyone hated?  It's dead… and it ain't coming back.  And didn't we know this about Kobe Bryant getting pinkie surgery

Hey… this just in… the Celtics are champs.  I figured if we're regurgitating news… it might as well be news that we like.

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