Tweeted By an Angel: A New Angel Twitterer, Plus Boner Jokes

This week in the world of Angels on Twitter, we get some good and some bad.  The good?  Another Angel joins Twitter while another breaks some actual news.  The bad?  The news that was broken certainly sounds bad, as does reading tweets about Torii Hunter’s erection.  Of course, nothing is as bad as Chevy Clarke who went upped his horrible Twittering to unprecedented levels of inanity.

Angels laptop

Angel prospect Garrett Richards is the newest Angel to join Twitter – @GRICHARDS26 New to the twitter world. Thanks for following me. Much love.

  • He’s lucky his name is Garrett, otherwise I don’t think I would be able to condone the incredibly dated use of the phrase “much love,” especially from a white boy from Oklahoma.

Trevor Reckling with breaking news about his own health – @TRECKLING30 All my fans family and friends pray that my results for mri go well on friday

  • Ugh, that sucks.  Reckling finally seemed to have his career back on track and now he could be facing major health problems.  On the other hand, this is why Twitter is so cool, because I doubt we would have heard about this injury otherwise.

Torii Hunter is getting older, but still makes boner jokes – @toriihunter48 Thanks to everyone who gave me a Bday s/o. I’m 36 years young and i don’t need Viagra yet! LOL……

  • He may not need Viagra, but given his flimsy OPS this season, I certainly wouldn’t mind if he started popping some HGH pills.

Trevor Bell really likes women’s soccer, but not for the reason you think – @TrevBe22 Would it be weird if I proposed via twitter to ? Don’t tempt me.

  • Take it easy there, Trevor.  She’s cute, but she isn’t that hot.  Heck, with Hope Solo around, she probably isn’t even the most attractive lady on the US Soccer team.

…and finally, my favorite part of this feature, Chevy Clarke.  This might’ve been the most painful week of Chevy tweets yet.  I honestly don’t remember a single day when I didn’t look at my “Angel tweets” list and see it eniterly comsumed by Clarke’s moronic musings.  It is almost like he is trying to antagonize me, and when you see what he did the other day, you’ll understand why I say that.  And as we remind you every week, if you don’t follow Chevy… don’t, especially now that he seems to be upping the blather to unprecedented levels.

@OfficialChevy I’m about to ask a question to my followers. Whoever gets it right… I’m callin u…

  • Oh my Lord, this was the worst Chevy has ever been.  I don’t know why he thought this was a good idea but he kept trying to get this stupid quiz going, asking brain-busting questions like what his favorite ice cream is and what color his room is painted.  And the prize?  A call from Chevy.  Who in their right mind would want that?  Can you imagine how annoying he must be in person?  I almost joined in on the guessing in hopes that I could win and then have him call me so I could tell him in person to shut the hell up.

@OfficialChevy Everybody tweet me ur best smiley face and i’m retweeting them….

  • If there is one thing I hate more than mindless retweets, it is freaking emoticons.  Why am I not surprised to see him heartily endorsing both.
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