Tweeted By An Angel: All-Star Edition!

With the All-Star break upon us, I can’t think of a better time to check in on the Twitter-savvy Angels to see what they are up to over the hiatus and even see if they have some wonderful insight into the festivities (SPOILER ALERT: They don’t).  Let’s see what the Halos are tweeting this week!

Angels laptop

Bobby Wilson is apparently spending the break in Vegas – @BW46 Cirque de soleil “mystere” and blue man group tonite. I’m pretty excited.

  • I’m guessing Bobby isn’t in for a “Hangover” type of weekend.  Seriously, aren’t pro athletes supposed to spend all their time in Vegas racking up massive gambling debts and impregnating strippers?  No wonder he can’t pass Jeff Mathis on the depth chart.

All-Star Howie Kendrick took in the Home Run Derby first-hand – @HKendrick47 Robinson has put on a show #HRDerby

  • Dynamite drop-in, Monty!  Thanks for that useful analysis, Howie.  Clearly you were selected for your talent and not your prosaic play-by-play abilities.

Victor Rojas is not a fan of the Home Run Derby – @VictorRojas29 Turned on HR Derby just in time to see Rickie Weeks swing & miss as well as pop up to pitcher’s mound on 1st 2 pitches…NUFF said.

  • See, Howie, that’s how you add value.  Oh, and I am very much plus one to Rojas’ reaction.

Torii Hunter has plans for the break that aren’t fit for the whole family – @toriihunter48 On my way to Dallas for my 4 days off. Going relax and let my body heal. I’m also going to lay out bucket naked in the sun. Lol…..

  • First, how exactly does one get “bucket” naked?  Second, that would be one nasty sunburn, so Torii might want to lather up.

…and finally, our old friend Chevy Clarke.  You didn’t think we’d skip Chevez because of the All-Star theme, did you?  Surely everyone’s favorite blatant offender of Twitter etiquette has some sage wisdom to drop on us in light of the Mid-summer Classic.  And as we remind you every week, if you don’t follow Chevy… don’t.  He might be insane.  His tweets consistently make no sense and always seem to be one sentence from the middle of a conversation, only he isn’t talking to anyone.  In other words, he is the anti-Logan Morrison.  So, without further adieu, here are a few of Chevy’s “unique observations.”

@OfficialChevy Should i start Twitpicing????

  • God dammit!  Who told Chevy about Twitpic?!?!  I want names!!!!!!  Can you imagine how much more annoying he is going to be when he gets to start adding photos into his inanity?  And you just know he’ll end up accidentally posting dong shots within six months.

@OfficialChevy Ladies….. What would u ???? dont ask why.. im bored

  • That is a vintage Chevy tweet right there.  First, he is clearly trolling for booty.  Second, he tries to act “mysterious” by saying don’t ask why, but the he immediately says why, which make NO SENSE.  I give up, really I do.
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