This is a very educational week in the world of Angel Tweets. Not only do we get to learn a bit more about everyone’s favorite super prospect, but we get treated to the creation of a brand new word. Heck, even Chevy Clarke catches a little bit of the learning bug himself… sort of.
Mike Trout loves him some country music – @Trouty20 Country music on the way to the lake ! @cpettit815
- Well, there it is, the first real weakness in Trout’s make-up. C’mon, Mike, your from New Jersey. What are you doing listening to country music?
CJ Cron’s career as a software developer takes an unpleasant turn – @CCron24 Just saw my app idea has already been created. Unreal #upset
- Poor CJ. I hope his knee turns out to be OK since he no longer has a fallback career as an app developer to rely on.
Trevor Bell had a rough morning – @TrevBe22 I woke up pissed this morning because Rosie Huntington wasn’t really next to me. Damn dreams!!!!!!
- Imagine how much more pissed he is going to be when he realizes he is living in Utah.
Victor Rojas insults Oakland and coins a new term at the same time – @VictorRojas29 Coliseum in Oakland #dumptacular RT @SamuelGorski Least favorite ballpark Victor?
- “Dumptacular.” Well done, Victor. Well done.
…and finally, we end things with the world’s worst Twittering athlete, Chevez “Chevy” Clarke.
@OfficialChevy I need to read more
- Yes, Chevy, you do. In fact, I think you should spend all your free time reading instead of twittering. Maybe try that for a few months and you’ll come back to Twitter and suddenly find yourself capable of composing something resembling a cogent thought.
@OfficialChevy Where have I been
- Just when I think Chevy can’t get any more helpess…
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