Twitter Trend Tuesday: #NotKazmir

Sometimes coming up with these Twitter Trends is real tough.  This week?  Not so much.  In fact, I’m not even coming up with it, I’m stealing it.  Originally created by OC Register’s Bill Plunkett and adopted by, this topic could be pretty popular because it focuses on someone so unpopular.  So, without further adieu, the trending topic is: #NotKazmir

twitter bird

If you are a Kazmir believer, you may want to avoid Twitter today because this could get nasty.  As always, here are a few sample tweets to get you started:

Who has good velocity? #NotKazmir Who has a killer slider? #NotKazmir Who can consistently throw strikes? #NotKazmir

Why is Matt Palmer suddenly popular amongst #Angels fans? Because he is #NotKazmir

My brother is having a son and wants the name to start with K, I gave him one suggestion #NotKazmir

I don’t know who started for the #Angels last night, but I see that he only allowed one earned run, so I know it definitely was #NotKazmir

I’ll be tweeting more throughout the day, so follow me or just do a search on the hashtag to follow along with the fun.  I’ll post some of the best contributions to the trending topic at the end of the day (if there are enough), so if you have something good, you get to be featured on the blog (which I am sure would be the highlight of your life).

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