Two Quick Notes

Devern Hansack is pitching at noon today, and Julian Tavarez is also pitching at noon today, so it’s a good time to view the results of the poll I put up a while ago, asking people what they thought should happen with Devern Hansack. If Hansack continues this great success and Julian Tavarez keeps failing, perhaps Hansack should be put in the rotation.

Devern Hansack has 20 K in 10 IP for Pawtucket. What should we do?
* Give Tavarez a couple more starts before we do anything rash.
28% of all votes
* Hansack. Rotation. Now.
31% of all votes
* Bring him up into the bullpen!
8% of all votes
* Wait until there’s an opening (injury, ineffectiveness) and then call him up.
33% of all votes

What I find interesting is that no one thinks that it might be a good idea to put Hansack in the bullpen, that garnered only 8 percent of all votes. 31 percent want him in the rotation now, while 61 percent aren’t ready to bring him up just yet.
Good game last night, Tim Wakefield pitched his butt off.
Mike Timlin made a pretty good joke: “The man just keeps going,” said fellow 40-something Mike Timlin of Wakefield, who was supported by three solo home runs off Tomo Ohka. “Awesome. When I grow up, I’m going to be just like him.”

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