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When I started, I intended it to be an extension of my Timberwolves coverage on DeROK.Net.  I didn’t want or have the time to write a full-blown article every day, so using the blog format for quick thoughts and daily links and keeping DeROK.Net as the source for my major articles seemed like the perfect fit.  I expected to cater to a small audience of Timberwolves fans and hopefully grow the site into a popular destination for Wolves fans 

I never expected, especially less than two months after launch, for this site to receive the recognition it has thus far.  It started with SLAM! Online throwing the site a link a few weeks back.  I thought that was huge.  Then Marko Jaric happened…

When Marko ran out onto the floor with his jersey on backwards, I knew that my TiVo had captured a humorous Timberwolves moment for the ages.  What I didn’t know was that would basically be the only site on the internet with a photo of it.  And so when Deadspin made a post that referred to my coverage of the incident, it was not only a shock, but a huge honor.  After all, I’m a relative rookie in the blogging world.  So making it to the front page of the net’s #1 sports blog was unbelievable. 

After the Deadspin post, I made a joke to some of my fellow Wolves fans in the forum.  “First SLAM! Online, then Deadspin, next…!”  So needless to say, my jaw hit the floor when I logged in today and the “incoming links” area of my administration panel showed “”.  Yup, Marko Jaric has done it again as was just referenced over at Uniwatch.  Unbelievable!

It’s been a crazy first six weeks. It’s been a ton of fun and already this blog has become more popular than I’d ever thought possible.  I’d like to thank all the loyal visitors, forum members, link partners, and guests for helping to get this site off to such a great start! I hope you’ve all enjoyed and its endeavor to take Timberwolves coverage to the next level.  Please keep coming back as I promise that there’s many more great stories and good times on the horizon!

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