So you think you know your MMA? You think you can predict who is going to win a fight and how? Time to prove it. We present to you The MMA Manifesto Pick ‘Em contest. We are now sponsored by Combatives Gear, your one and only online store for fight gear. Check them out at their website, and their Facebook page. The contest will be run for every major MMA event for 2014, with the winner of each event in October getting a pair of camo shorts & camo rash guard. We also have sponsors for our monthly prizes that we give out to the top point earner over the course of a month. September’s winner can choose between a UFC DVD courtesy of Anchor Bay Entertainment, or an e-book copy of Jason Rothman’s new book, Betting on MMA, or Brian J. D’Souza’s Pound for Pound: The Modern Gladiators
of Mixed Martial Arts. Next up: UFC 179. All picks need to be submitted by 7:00 PM Eastern Sat, Oct 25th. If you don’t predict the correct winner of a match you don’t qualify for the bonus point given for predicting how the match will be won. Only one entry per person. Ties will be broken by the following, in order: 1) Most questions correct, 2) Most points earned from main event match, 3) Whoever entered their picks the earliest. Good luck!
This contest is now closed
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