Updating For Updates Sake

Updating For Updates Sake

My apologies. Things have been really slow on all fronts and I don’t quite feel like regurgitating all of the “stories” surrounding Irish football. I have noticed a lot of hits lately on the site, and realize that all the die-hards are out and seeking every nugget of news there is. Quite frankly, there hasn’t been much. The Dana Jacobson story has been well versed, but still, no definitive video evidence has been displayed. (Although I hear that she/ESPN has issued an apology).

What is going on, is WAR. With two weeks left until Signing day, college coaches are pulling out all the stops to keep, receive, and poach prospects. I am purposely staying away from speculation on certain recruits because most of the reports out there are bullshit.

Take Tom Luginbill at ESPN for instance… This guy is a hack. ESPN is now in the recruiting game and have pushed Luginbill, Craig Haubert, and their “150” on us as if they were Mike Frank, Tom Lemming, or even Mike Farrell. They may be able to evaluate talent… maybe. But everything else is a load of crap. They are the leader in rumor-mongering. Luginbill does not talk to any of these recruits, except for the players that were in the Under-Armour All-American Game. If I called or e-mailed him right now and said “Word is, Thaddeus Brown has talked teammates Dayne Crist and Anthony McDonald into decommitting from Notre Dame and teammate Wes Horton into decommitting from USC and then, together, sign with Eastern Michigan on signing day”, he would turn it into a story. He is a douche and his prognostications should be treated as such. So pay NO attention to the “Jonas Gray might visit Michigan” stuff. Not gonna happen. ESPN is a corporate giant that is simply just looking for another way to generate more profit. Whores.

Speaking of signing day, I will be posting the 2008 Subway Domer Recruiting Spectacular a day or two after. Look for a little bit more this year and Colonialhead will be adding his thoughts as well. (I assume). Also, if any of you have any questions that I might be able to answer about this years class, please e-mail me at [email protected] with your inquiries. I will answer them and publish them in the recruiting piece.

There will be a lot more to report on leading up to the spring game and even throughout the summer. I have PLENTY of Dick-Rod stuff lined up. That guy is truly an asshole. But, we need a pick-me-up. After a 3-9 season just remember, anybody can bounce back…

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