Upperclassmen Check-In Coverage

UPDATE- Photos after the break, courtesy of Josh Winslow

Upperclassmen Check-In Coverage
Happy to be in camp- can you blame him?

Following check-in today there are now 104 players ready to start fall camp tomorrow morning.

Not among those 104 are LB Johnathan Newsome, LB Dorian Bell, and WR James Louis. Their official status remains unclear, but they did not check into the hotel today, so everyone can draw their own conclusions from that.

Outside of who didn’t show up, and despite my best wishes from yesterday, it turns out that players arriving individually over an extended period of time doesn’t create much more to write about than when they arrive all at once on a bus.

One interesting note is that former Buckeye and Cardinal OL Alex Stepanovich arrived at the hotel today, and he will apparently be helping the team in some capacity.

The pictures will tell the story of everything else much better than I can with words (1000 to 1 and all that) so stay tuned for more Josh Winslow photographs later this afternoon.

We will have continuing coverage from practice tomorrow morning as well.

Photos and so forth from Josh Winslow- check out the full gallery for more goodness.

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