Video Games: Will NBA2k15 Be a Slam Dunk?


Another exciting basketball season is coming our way. With that in mind, the NBA2k15 fans will be ready to run their fast break offense to video game and entertainment stores for the highly anticipated release of NBA 2k15 on October 7th.


LeBron James dunk on Napier-NBA 2k15 (courtesy of NBA
LeBron James dunk on Napier-NBA 2k15 (courtesy of NBA

From the early screenshots, gamers can tell the players look incredibly realistic. It is easy to see the tight facial features of each player and their emotions are easily seen. The one thing that could use improvement is the backlighting of the crowd.  It is clearly seen some of the crowd appears so dark that it is barely visible. However, NBA2k15 nails the more important aspect of making sure the courts and players are as realistic as possible.

The emotions are easily seen with tight facial movements. (courtesy of
The emotions are easily seen with tight facial movements. (courtesy of

The screenshots look rather dark to begin with so it’s possible that the game will look brighter when released.

The details of the warm-ups and jerseys are far more realistic. The best part of NBA2k15 is the overall realistic and detailed look to it.  It is easy to see the imperfections such as the wrinkles on a warm-up jersey as pictured below. It seems clear early on that the game designers did a phenomenal job overall of making this game as real as possible.

LeBron James-NBA 2k15 (courtesy of Dime Magazine)
LeBron James-NBA 2k15 (courtesy of Dime Magazine)

My Mentor game mode-Get advice from the superstars

The my mentor game mode is what separates this year’s version of NBA 2k from its predecessors. When someone creates a player, they will get advice from superstars such as LeBron James regarding on the court performance.



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