View From the Motor City

Fenway West interviewed Bob Biscigliano of the Detroit sports blog about the series with the Tigers:

FW: Is Porcello’s current win streak a surprise for Tiger’s fans or do you think it will keep going?

D4L: I don’t think Porcello’s ability is of any surprise. He’s going to have many win streaks like the one he’s having now throughout his career. The most surprising thing about Porcello this season has been composure. As just a 20-year, he certainly doesn’t pitch like one. He holds himself like a 30-year old veteran on the rubber. Most rookies when they get into a jam will fall apart that outing, however Porcello shakes it off and gets out of jams like it’s nothing. He’s been very good at minimizing the damage.

FW: Who has been the Tigers MVP so far this season? Why?

D4L: There are a few Tigers worthy of the team MVP right now. Cabrera has been as steady as they come at the plate, Inge is hitting an All-Star, Verlander is dominant of late, and even Porcello has pitched like an ace recently. However, Edwin Jackson has been the Tigers rock this season. He’s only had one bad outing this season and when Verlander and Porcello were struggling early on, he helped the Tigers pick up some key wins to keep the wheels on. If these guys continue at this pace, this decision will be of great debate.

FW: How did the Tigers turn it around this year?

D4L: The Tigers have turned it around thus far mostly because of their pitching. New pitching coach Rick Knapp has worked wonders with the pitchers in getting them to harness their stuff and throw strikes. It doesn’t hurt that the Tigers have been getting big hits in key situations too, unlike last year.

FW: Who will hit their second home run first; Ortiz or Polanco?

David Ortiz. Ortiz averages more home runs per season than Polanco has hit in his last 6 years. Yes, Ortiz is in a major rut, but he’ll get out of it. All the good hitters do.

FW: What are your predictions for this series with the Red Sox?

D4L: This is going to be a great series with some competitive games, but the Red Sox caught the Tigers at the perfect part of their rotation with the 20-year old rookie, a struggling Armando, and a “never know what you’re going to get still” Dontrelle Willis. I’m not a betting man, but if I had to guess I’d say Red Sox take two out of three.

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