Visitor of the Week: Quit Making This Easy, Fools

Visitor of the Week: Quit Making This Easy, Fools
I really try to just highlight one visitor each week. Honestly. However, yinz guys love to put yourself out there, and stumble upon PSaMP through the wildest of ways. All three of these peeps come from yesterday, as I was waiting for someone to throw me a bone. Then, three of you threw me bones…in quick succession.

Above is VotW #1. I have no information about former Steeler Jason Gildon’s hometown on PSaMP. I will remedy the situation right now. Jason is originally from Altus, Oklahoma, which has a declining population of 19,525, as reported by the Census Bureau. I have no clue where the all-time Steelers sack king currently lives.

Visitor of the Week: Quit Making This Easy, Fools

VotW #2 rules. My point that Maria from the old-school Guess Who board game is hot/searchable has been proved by someone in England. And their visitor name is cumwhitton, which is way too easy to poke fun at.

Visitor of the Week: Quit Making This Easy, Fools

Last, but not least, is VotW #3. While the first two came from distant states and countries, this visitor is a true Yinzer. The current hot topic in the city is the new Steelers mascot, Steely McBeam. In true Pittsburgh fashion, this visitor decided to see, through Google, if “Steely McBeam sucks.” We all share your pain.

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