Video Blog 6: & (February 3, 2010)

Hoop Heads North & Hip Hoop Junkies discuss the Toronto Raptors’ favourable schedule in the month of February, and DeMar DeRozan’s exclusion from the NBA Rookie Team in the upcoming NBA T-Mobile Rookie Challenge.

As we did in our last video blog, for some comedy, we start off the vlog with a spoof – this time of the infamous Hedo Turkoglu/Jack Armstrong post game ‘Ball’ interview.

As always, much lovewindow.location=””; to Jeorge Sadi for directing and doing the camera work and to U-E Sampang for super quick edit!

As always, be sure to let us know what you think and stay tuned for more vlogs discussing Raptors hot topics and views from the blogging homies of HHN & HHJ!

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