Waaaayyy Off Topic

Look, I’ve got turkey overload and the Bucks don’t play this week. So, thoughts on other stories around the world of sports:

Rumors are swirling about Notre Ame’s coaching situation- Chuckles isn’t being allowed to stay on the Left Coast to recruit. If you have any stock in In-N-Out, it’s probably going to take a hit.

People have already started to talk about the following replacements: Big Game Bob, Peterson (Boise State), Fitzgerald (Nerdwestern)… although the name that has the most weight (see what I did there? Weis has girth…) is UC’s Kelly.  We’ll follow this story, pointing and mocking, throughout the rest of the coming weeks.

Over in the world of the only Scottish game aired on ESPN not involving cabers, greatest golfer in the world Tiger Woods was in an auto accident this morning, and has been treated and released. Reports are that he hit a fire hydrant and/or a tree backing out of his residence.

I’m thinking he probably should have gone with a driver there.

Too soon?

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