We Got Your Back China

We Got Your Back China

Americans are always there to save the day. A tsunami strikes? We'll ship supplies and lots of cash. An evil dictator needs to be overthrown? We'll invade the country on a whim. The Spanish Olympic team makes a disgusting ethnic reference to the host country? Kobe, LeBron and D-Wade will swoop in, kick some Gasol ass and save the day. I'm looking forward to this morning's matchup, even though there's no way Team USA could lose to a bunch of cryin' Spaniards.

In NBA news, Hornets backup guard Jannero Pargo is taking his skills to Moscow. And we've learned the Celtics did make an offer to Michael Finley, but he's staying with the Spurs.

I'm feeling bad about the shots I took at Spain in this post. There is one thing I love from Spain. Check it out after the jump.

We Got Your Back China

We Got Your Back China

We Got Your Back China

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