We Greeks are a crazy bunch

If you think just because you've seen a few fights in the stands that you've seen fans get out of control when emotions run high… then you need to see this video from game 1 of the Greek league finals between Panathinaikos and Olympiakos.

Yes, that's a flare being thrown at the :08 mark.  It bounced around the court and into the scorers table… injuring a time keeper.  He wasn't the target.  The Panathinaikos players were.  I guess in the Greek league, home court advantage includes someone firing roman candles at the other team.

Panathinaikos vs. Olympiakos is kinda like Greek version of Celtics vs. Lakers.  They're pretty big rivals.  But this takes it to a new level.  Josh Childress, who is playing for Olympiakos, says this might just push him back into the NBA.

"The violence we saw today, will make me think real hard over my future in Europe."

Oh… it didn't stop with the flare, either.

Enraged fans were trying to storm the court and would not listen to the
pleas of Olympiakos players for calm. Riot police moved in to contain
the supporters. About 200 fans clashed with police after the game and
even tried to storm the locker rooms and interview room where the
coaches were meeting with the media.

You gotta give us Greeks credit for one thing.  We're passionate.  Did anyone HERE try to storm the Magic locker room?  No.  No you didn't. 

And you call yourselves fans.

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