Wednesday Catch-Up

Real quickly, I wanted to update on some ‘Burgh stories that warrant some kind of attention. However, I’m not trying to spend all that much time, seeing as how I’m a little late with them. My flight from New York City to Pittsburgh was delayed, but only after I was on the plane. As quick as a NYC-PIT flight is (about 55 minutes), we sat in the plane on the runway for much longer. I missed episode 1 of Rob and Big, which I was very heated about. MTv will replay it about 400 times in the coming days, so I’m over it, though. Anyway, here is the scoop on what is happening in our sports community.

Porn. Sent by Steelers’ assistant coaches. In e-mail format. To every front office in the league. And their secretaries. And Roger Goodell. That is all I’m saying about the situation.

– LaMarr Woodley made it onto the field during the Steelers’ OTAs. Guess he figured out the roadways and wasn’t 20 miles away at the start of practice.

– The Sporting News names Sid as NHL Player of the Year. Its not the Hart (yet), but it will do for now.

– The Buccos (haven’t talked about them in awhile) couldn’t beat a Cardinals team that entered the game on a 5-game skid. Score, 9-4 Redbirds.

JoePa came up with a great disciplinary measure for a team that has several players in trouble for startin’ shit at a party. I love it. Too many college athletes are way too full of themselves, and JoePa is making sure they know who is boss.

Oh, and flying out of Laguardia, I was able to get a great view of the inside of Shea Stadium from about 5,000 feet. Metschick, from Ladies…, kicked off the How to Make Love to a ____ Fan series with How to Make Love to a Mets Fan post. I don’t care how many people hate Shea, I would definitely make love in it.

Ok. Caught up.

‘Burgh sweet ‘Burgh…

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