Wednesday Quick Hits

Not much going on today, but you have an article from Zach to look forward to for tomorrow! One thing that got lost in all the changeover is the guest columnists, who should be posting on Wednesdays but they have no login information. Hopefully I can get that all settled ASAP.

  • Mark Loretta a Yankee? An ESPN article by Buster Olney the other day raised that the Yankees had contacted Loretta. Since then, Loretta’s agent has said interest in Loretta has picked up. I’m okay with Shea Hillenbrand or Doug Mientkiewicz joining the Yankees, but Loretta? I just can’t see it and don’t want to. Mientkiewicz reportedly has a two-year offer out there, and Hillenbrand wants at least two years, so Loretta joining the Yankees is a distinct possibility.
  • The Red Sox and J.D. Drew should have a revised contract done by the end of the week. It’s unclear if it will be shorter or there will be contingencies in the contract. My bet is, knowing Scott Boras, is that it will have contingencies. I now literally love this deal. We get Drew at pretty much zero risk. If his shoulder puts him out of commission for a long time, we can escape out of the deal. Fine by me.
  • Jeremy Bonderman is a Tiger for four more years, and Kei Igawa is on the cusp of signing a ridiculous five-year, $20 million deal with the Yankees.
  • The Seibu Lions officially received the $51.1 million from the Red Sox today. I wonder if they’re all rolling in the cash right now, or if they’re just going out and spending it all on sake.
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