Welcome Back Saints

Welcome Back SaintsWelcome back to the New Orleans Saints to New Orleans as tonight the Saints take on the Atlanta Falcons in the newly renovated Superdome.

As everyone knows, the Superdome was used as a last resort refugee camp during Hurricane Katrina and the aftermath of the flooding. The roof to the Superdome was completely damaged during the hurricane allowing water to get in and damage everything inside.

With a $165 million dollar emergency order and $20 million dollars from the NFL, workers started rebuilding the Superdome. For many, the rebuilding of the Superdome is a blessing. It shows the people of the world that New Orleans is rebuilding and will be stronger than ever. Is this the best thing for the people of New Orleans. For some maybe, for some maybe not. But what it does is unite a group of people who were all displaced by the hurricane. Will New Orleans ever be the same? No, it won’t be. What it will be is stronger though.

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