Well this seems shifty

Well this seems shifty

So, in the Olympics, apparently you have to pay the judges before they administer an appeal? Well, that’s weird. According to Slate, it’s a 100 dollar fee in gymnastics. 80 dollars in fencing. It’s all because the Olympics defer to the governing bodies of the various sports, and those sports require a deposit for any inquiries. That still seems wonky.

I am terribly amused at the thought of these coaches and teams just carrying a fistful of cash everywhere they go. And look! The Japanese coach is giving the judge, American money in London! They aren’t even using the local currency, OR their own country’s money! They had to exchange cash somewhere along the way ahead of time! The logistics of this arrangement are hilarious and awful.

But hey, some fencing judge made and extra 80 bucks at the Olympics!

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