We’re getting stadiums!

The University of Minnesota is getting a stadium on the U campus, and the Twins are going to be getting an open air stadium near the Target Center. Like the Target Center, the Gophers stadium has sold its naming rights, in their case, to TCF bank, and the edifice will be called, uniquely, TCF Bank Stadium. So that leaves the question on what to call the Twins ball park. Well, thankfully, I have some ideas for local companies.
Best Buy could further their local influence and plug their favorite product and call it the Best Buy Extended Warranty Ballpark.
General Mills has several options. Some of my favorites are Betty Crocker Stadium, Green Giant Field, Pillsbury Park, Lucky Charms Field, Wheaties Stadium, Count Chocula Colloseum, and Haagen Dazs Frozen Field.
Another good choice would be Hormel, and though Spam Field would instill fear in our opponents’ hearts, I think a more noble name would be Jennie-Orena.
3m also has some pretty good options, though I’m partial to Post-it Park or Scotch Stadium.
I would love The St. Paul to stick it to the Angels and call the stadium The St. Paul Stadium of Minneapolis.
But really, in truth, I think the best idea is to just call the stadium the FingerHut.

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