So Kevin Garnett is an ass that yaps too much and plays dirty?
So Paul Pierce is a drama queen that over-exaggerates things on the court?
So Rasheed Wallace is a loudmouth prick who can't keep his yap shut?
I love it.
Unless you woke up this morning trying to figure out which shade of green you're going to wear today, you hate the Celtics. They're a team full of a-holes and we're a bunch of douches for loving them. The hate for the Celtics lately has been flung around the internet more than fake nude pics of Megan Fox (ok… that's an exaggeration, but you get my point).
And I'm not going to sit here and fight it. I don't want to. I'm embracing it.
You don't like us? Fine. We're not here to make any friends. We're here to win a title. If that takes an elbow… if that takes a tech… fine. The world needs villains. The world needs people to hate.
That's us right now. So bring it on, Miami… and whichever fans of whichever team wants to troll. You can hate us… but you won't stop us.
(NSFW lyrics)
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