We’ve lost a legend… Craig Sager has passed away


2016, the year that has prematurely and mercilessly ripped legends from the earth, has struck again, this time taking Craig Sager from us today.

I won’t say he lost his battle with Leukemia. Yes, it’s what cause his life to end at 65-years-old, but he came out of this fight a winner. His battle in the face of impossible odds was inspiring. The creation of the Sager Strong foundation will no doubt help people someday beat this insidious beast called cancer. And the joy he instilled in each and every one of us every time the director called for his camera will live forever.

I’m sad to be writing these words now. I should have been writing them when I turned 65, not him. But life doesn’t care what any of us would prefer.

All this said, I believe the sadness of death should give way to the celebration of life. It’s sad Craig Sager won’t play willing foil to another Kevin Garnett evisceration some day, but at least we have the times he did… and they were glorious.

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDB4hnFjJ-I&w=560&h=315] [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a6K6pi04A4&w=560&h=315]

Rest easy, Mr. Sager. We’ve never met, but you enriched this basketball fan’s life. And for that I am eternally grateful.


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