Wha’ Happened?

A loss for the Jets is like a win for the Patriots, so at the moment, New England is 2-0.  I won’t spend too much time gloating, because disaster could easily strike next week, but after months and months of hearing all the Jets “hype”, I think a little mockery is in order.
Six first downs?  Six?  Really?  I don’t know what’s more impressive, that Baltimore held the Jets to six first downs, or that New York somehow managed three scoring drives out of them. Had the Patriots scored for every 2 first downs they made, they may have racked up as much as 70 points on Sunday.
And how about Dustin Keller running out of bounds short of the 1st down marker on 4th down to end the game?  Maybe he should’ve spent less time hamming it up for the HBO cameras this off-season and more time learning about the importance of first downs?
I’m sure a lot of fans in New York were shocked at the performance of their future Super Bowl Champions.  Surprise, surprise, I’m not.  Penalties, confusion – those are the things that happen when your team decides to treat training camp like spring break.  McDonalds Cheesburgers at practice, making cat calls to female reporters in the locker room, showing up late and having your coaching staff joke about it…
The Jets had their fun this summer, and now reality is about to set in.  I think Tom Brady summed it up best…

“That’s the way that they think they need to be, and it’s really the exact opposite of the way we are. And I have a lot of confidence in the way we do things here. And I’m sure they probably have a lot of confidence in the way they do things. I think that’s what makes for the rivalry.  I know what we do is, I think we just try to stay humble, stay working every day, and let our play do the talking. Because really, that’s all that matters anyways. They believe in something, and we believe in something, and they’re pretty much exact opposites.

1-0.  0-1.  As usual, Brady couldn’t be more on target.
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