What an Unbelievable Mess

What an Unbelievable Mess

Frank Hughes hits a home run today with a scathing story about the mess that is the Sonics these days. Everything from lies, anger, betrayal and back-stabbing, all in one huge mess of a franchise.

What struck me the most? Lenny Wilkins spending half of a 90-minute meeting questioning the logic of drafting Sene last year with their lottery pick. Why does that strike me? Because that’s exactly what Lenny said to me last summer at that charity dinner! We spoke for 15 minutes, but that was one of the first things he said, what the heck were they thinking about drafting another 7-foot project this year? He was very clear and emphatic that he thought it was a terrible move, and you can see that he’s still carrying that around.

What a rudderless ship. Please, please, PLEASE, just go ahead and move. Pack up this franchise, this mess of an organization that you grossly overpaid for, and move it back to OKC. Let the region realize how much it misses the NBA as time goes by, and a better building will happen and/or the Key will be renovated, and the Sonics we love so much will be back. But not this group. At this point, I don’t even know if I want to support Bennett in any way, shape or form, and if that means losing the franchise? So be it. Show a little respect by leaving the team logo and history behind, but please, just go away.

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