What Big Ten West team would you want Penn State to schedule?


Earlier today North Carolina and Wake Forest announced an upcoming home-and-home deal to be played in 2019 and 2021. Yes, two ACC schools agreed to play each other in a non-conference scheduling agreement. It is weird, but it may be the new reality of power conferences in college football when it comes to scheduling. With UNC and Wake Forest now set to play each other in non-conference play, there will likely be more to come, especially from the ACC if past hints and suggestions mean anything.

It got me thinking, if schools from the Big Ten start to follow in those footsteps, an idea that has been discussed before to various extents, then what school would Penn State fans prefer to see added from the Big Ten West as a non-conference opponent?

To me there are two answers, and only two. Nebraska would be the first choice. Wisconsin the second.

I really am not a fan of the concept of scheduling conference opponents for non-conference match-ups, but that is just me. I can see the benefits to doing it in the new age of college football and they are not all bad. But if Penn State traveled down that road, which way would you like to see them go?

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