What do you want to see on Saturday? The Game

What do you want to see on Saturday? The Game


  • Fast Start- The Buckeyes have come out a bit flat the last few games; it will be great to set the tone early.
  • New Nickname– The Game dubbed “Five-Cier”… what will the Silver Bullets have for Shoelaces?
  • Record Offensive Output– Fact is, TTUN is near the bottom of the NCAA in defensive statistics.  It’d be great to make some runs at season and game records.
  • That Face- We linked to it earlier, but it would be amazing to see “Dear Leader” have numerous reasons to look as if he’s passing a kidney stone.
  • Devin Gardner- Earlier this week Rod talked about his hope that the freshman quarterback (and the next “flavor of the month”) Devin Gardner would pursue a medical redshirt due to his back problems, a practice that’s common in college football. I’d like to see Mich1gAAn’s plans thwarted.
  • Gold Pants– Let’s get a win and send the seniors out with a full quiver of victories in The Game.


  • Troy Smith, Version 2.0 – Terrelle Pryor needs to turn into the former legend against TTUN.  Troy dominated the Blue every time he saw them, and he beat those bastards like it was his job (OK, so it was his job).  Pryor’s legacy will be made by what he does this Saturday, and his final games as a senior next year.
  • The Heisman Fraud crumpled on the ground – Sure, Denard, you can get yardage against Bowling Green….this is a much better Ohio school you’re facing this week.  We hurt bitches for fun.  You’re next.
  • My name on http://www.qbforce.com – The Forcier family doesn’t like me much for my “Tate Forcier Gets A New Name” video.  After we destroy Denard, Tate Fivecier will have to be punished….again.
  • My name on The WLA – They know why.  Ownership, bitches.  Ownership.

What do you want to see on Saturday? The Game


  • Total BCS Chaos – Losses from a lot of the teams in front of us would be great!  Orgeon, Auburn, Boise, Stanford, LSU, Wisconsin.
  • A raucous crowd, and a big win over M*ch*gan.
  • The seniors going out with a bang – Sanzenbacher, Saine, Boren, Browning, BRolle, Homan, Chekwa, Torrence, Heyward just to name a few…


  • Renewed Focus – This team is in dire need of some serious focus.  The Michigan game has a tendency of bringing that out in the players.  Let’s see it happen.
  • More work from the Receivers – Pryor is having some issues, but it’s not helping him when his Receivers aren’t working hard to go and get the catches.
  • 100 for Boom – He just missed it last week, this week he should exceed it by leaps and bounds.  Lets focus on the running game and make certain he gets it.
  • Denard Decleated – I think I asked for it last year, but there’s a much better chance of it this year.  Pop him in the mouth a few times and be done with it.
  • Solid tackling – Other teams that have faced Michigan have failed defensively because they have been unable to get fundamentally sound tackles.  Make certain that trend doesn’t continue.


  • Control Robinson – What I don’t want to see is Denard breaking away for big runs, making plays and giving the other team hope.
  • Some long balls – Although it may be a more traditional approach to grind it out, I’d love to see us going down the field deep a few times.
  • Rolle making stops – He had a nice game against Iowa, and it would be good to see him continue to impress with his speed and tackling.
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