What Do You Want To See On Christmas?

Even with the damper that Tuesday brought to the Christmas holiday season, there’s still reason to hope. We remembered to send our list in a bit earlier this year, but thought it’d still be something that we could share with Buckeye Nation… although, to be honest, we already opened our mostestest awesomest present earlier this month.

What Do You Want To See On Christmas?
God Bless Us, Every One...


Basketball National Championships – I’m extremely impressed with the way the OSU basketball teams have developed of late. I would love nothing more than to see Jared Sullinger and Samantha Prahalis pick up the hardware for the Buckeyes. This goes double for the women’s team so that Jim Foster gets the credit he deserves for the excellent work he’s put in.

Continued positive news from the football team – This last year was a serious emotional drain with the sheer quantity of negative news. I want to see the turnaround we’ve experienced in the news cycle continue unabated from here on out.

The development of official university Curling and Cricket teams – Ok, this is my guilty little pleasure, and I would totally watch them if they were aired on TV. I greatly enjoy both of these games and I’m not embarrassed to admit it. Obviously the Title 9 advantage of these sports is that they’re gender neutral. Men’s and Women’s teams would be easy to create. Seems like the university should get on the bandwagon for this immediately!

Joe Dexter

What Do You Want To See On Christmas?
Coach Meyer Meets Wisconsin's Bo Ryan

A Big Ten Championship… In Wrestling – Head Coach Tom Ryan has got a solid stable back for the 2011-12 season and the #7 ranked team in the nation. The only problem is the Big Ten is home to the defending champion Penn State Nittany Lions, The #1 ranked Iowa Hawkeyes, #3 Ranked Minnesota Gophers and #8 ranked Michigan Wolverines.

Here’s to hoping for a very successful year for 174 lb sophomore Nick Heflin who is 15-1 on the year and ranked fourth in the nation at the 174 lb weight class. If you thought that the Football squad had a lot of talent think again. True Freshman True freshman Johnni DiJulius, Cam Tessari alongside Logan and Hunter Stieber have been very impressive.

Junior Cody Magrum at 184 is the elder statesman on this squad with a very bright future. For Christmas, I’d like to see continued success and the growing of a great program on the way up.

A Healthy Jared Sullinger – No matter what, Sullinger keeps finding the injury bug early in the basketball season. How about that bug dies?? that’d be a great Christmas present.

A clean and forgettable 2012 – All I want for Christmas is for 2012 to fly by without infraction, issue or NCAA probing. One year was long enough. Here’s to hoping the worst is COMPLETELY behind us.

Jason Winrow

What Do You Want To See On Christmas?
'Tis The Season...

I would like to see an 8 game playoff system where Sugar, Rose, Orange and Fiesta serve as quarter finals on Jan 1 & 2. Two semifinal games a week later and the plus one played Jan 16 (my birthday).

Joe L

Wish for a new beginning. We have started that with Urban Meyer, and had a minor setback but if you look at the positive side of things, Meyer is going to be a 2 year plan for the 2013 season, which could mean some young guys will see time they may not of season in the 2012 season.

A basketball national championship.  Matta has had a team the past 2 years, that has been capable of doing it.  Lets hope this is the year.

Continued recruiting momentum. It has been a huge start, and we still have a little over a month to go.


I want a kick ass spring game with over 100,000 people in the Shoe to see what the new “Meyer Show” has to offer. I want the basketball team not to break my heart as usual. Oh, and a new athletic director.

Rob Harley

UPDATE: We’ve actually gotten word from the man up north that Rob has been selected for an amazing opportunity as a “Christmas wish” granted. We’ll have more info in an announcement in January.


What Do You Want To See On Christmas?
Buckeye Christmas In Cali. Your Point Is Invalid.

Offensive Line Excellence- It starts with the OL coach hire, which we hear will b4e announced on January 3, but given the lack of depth in our OL, I’m excited to see who else Coach Meyer will bring on board for this class and moving forward.

Deep Bench- It seems as if every year Matta’s got the horses to work magic, and then he forgets them come conference play. Perhaps coach Jent can get him to look a bit further down the bench than the seventh player

Volley-Bucks- As in “the defending national champions”. I’ll admit it, I’m as surprised as you are to enjoy volleyball as much as I do (west coast impact) but I’m looking forward to seeing the Scarlet and Gray “roofing company” back in action.

Equity- OK, we’ve had our turn in the NCAA and ESPN spotlight… I’m “excited” to see what will happen when Oregon and South Carolina head to Indianapolis, and to witness what I’m sure will be a smouldering crater once Miami and Penn State have had their processes concluded.


First and foremost a happy and healthy year for myself as well as the rest of TBBC staff. A big offensive lineman (Simeon, Diamond) in the scarlet and gray in 2012. A continuation of  what’s been amazing Urban renewal.

Robby D

A bowl victory, the dissolution of the NCAA, and a new teddy bear.


Ohio State men’s and women’s hoops teams to stay healthy and win national titles! (is that 2?)

For the football program to be able to enjoy the latest success in spite of setbacks and to make great use of the time they have with Coach Meyer coming up.

For the players and fans of ALL my favorite teams, (Buckeyes, Bengals, Reds, Cavaliers, and Indians to have a GREAT Christmas and a happy New Year!

What Do You Want To See On Christmas?
Ah, Christmas...
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