What do you Want to see on Saturday? California Edition


What do you Want to see on Saturday? California
Jeff wants to see more #25 in the endzone.

Pass the ball!California has allowed 260 yards per game through the air…and that was against Nevada and Southern Utah. In a game where we should be leaning on the passing game more because of injuries, it’s nice to know that it’s the weakness of the opposition. The Thunderbirds actually threw for FOUR touchdowns against these guys (that’s Southern Utah, by the way).

Run it up. Cal allowed 31 points in each of their first two games…again, to Nevada and Southern Utah. This game should be a cakewalk, so let’s rack up the points and make it fun.

Bri’onte scoring again. Bri’onte Dunn went to the same high school as I did (and has the best use of the apostrophe since Butler By’not’e), so I have a place in my heart for him. Let’s get him some more scoring opportunities.

Joe L.

Pass rush. we have too much talent on our D-line to not be getting constant quarterback pressure.

Braxton getting less than 15 carries. I dont mind Braxton getting carries but 20+ per game is too many. I would also like to see the RBs be more effective along with the passing game.

Secondary issues gone. I’m not sure what has been going on the first couple weeks. I understand lack of pass rush but there have been quite a few breakdowns downfield.

Down field passing. I would like to see smith and brown running the go routes and skinny posts. Some corner routes as well as hitting stoneburner up the seem as well.


What do you Want to see on Saturday? California
More Please.

No False Starts.Please… I’d rather have the Hantavirus than the plague of Shugartosis that’s wrecking our ability to manage a freaking snap count.

Special Teams Excellence. Cal has a history of great return game performance, and has some dangerous folks this year as well. No huge returns would be a start- a score by Ohio State’s Special Forces would also be swell.

Pick Six. Rebound against the allegations that the defense is “struggling” and get enough pressure to force turnovers. Then, why not score with one? Fun for the whole family.

Not Braxton. Let’s have someone else’s offensive excellence be the story of the game, rather than our Heisman Hopeful.


100 yards running from a Buckeye other than Braxton. We’ve seen a pair of 100 yard running games from a player in the backfield – but both have been from #5. I’d like to see someone, anyone, in the Scarlet and Gray pick up a century in this game.

Improvement from the Defense. I don’t like seeing the Buckeye defense struggle the way they have so far this season. A big game from our D would go a long way towards making this team feel like a truly dangerous football squad.

A few more receivers step up. We’ve seen Philly Brown step up his game, and Devin Smith make a few plays, while the rest of the receivers have only seen the ball once or twice at most each outing. It would be great to see a few more receivers step up and have big games. Substantial depth at receiver would be a very nice thing to have.

A significant day for Jordan Hall. It’s probably a bit much to ask for, but I’d love to see Hall have a “significant” day. Seeing the ball in his hands in double digit plays, either receiving or running, would be a great test of his foot, and a great sign of his return.

A W for Michigan State. They’d damn well better beat the Golden Domers or I am going to be very unhappy about the damage to the Big Ten prestige that will have. I won’t even be able to get my usual enjoyment out of the bawling meltdown of the Sparty fans on Monday.


Dunn grow up fast. With Hyde now injured, and Hall’s return questionable, I’d sure enjoy seeing Bri’onte Dunn grow up quickly this Saturday. I’m not convinced Rod Smith isn’t secretly competing to have the all time fumble record at OSU, and while Boren is good now and then he shouldn’t be a work horse. So I’d sure love to see Dunn grow up quickly and show his value early in his freshmen season. (Though I should note I fully expect this to end up being a back-by-committee affair Saturday).

The Arrival of the D-Line. This was supposed to be the shining spot on our entire team, and thus far it’s honestly been a pretty mediocre group. This Saturday I’d like to see Nate Williams back on the line, and I’d like to see the line all over Cal.

More passing downs than running downs. With our running backs as depleted as they are you would think the common sense would be for there to be a lot more passing. But be it from Miller trusting his legs more or from play callers not trusting the receivers… our passing game has been pretty mundane so far. Don’t get me wrong, we’re miles beyond most Tressel offenses even in my opinion, but I’d like to see them get a bit more adventurous, and I’d love to see Miller throw the ball for more completions than he has running attempts. We don’t need him turning into Denard Robinson and getting hurt by week 6.

Notre Dame getting some early payback. I will be blunt, I don’t like Notre Dame. (Ed – Who does?) You’d think the mutual hatred of the scum bags up north would make me like them, but you’d be wrong. Their fans are cocky and annoying, the program hasn’t done anything of value in decades, and yet we feed them 3 games a year and stroke their ego on the hope they’ll join the Big Ten. Frankly few things would make me as happy as the Big Ten cutting Notre Dame from our schedule entirely, and sending them a good luck in the ACC card. Wherever they go they’re going to be mediocre, so why do we want them here? Can’t wait to see Sparty obliterate them on saturday.


What do you Want to see on Saturday? California
This would be nice to see.

Pass Rush.It’s been MIA the past two weeks. I’d like to see a lot more pressure this week.

Less Carries for Braxton. I love seeing Braxton run and make things happen as much as the next person, but the 27 carries he had last week was way too many.

Scoring, and Lots of It. California gave up 31 points to both of their first two opponents, Nevada and Southern Utah. If those offenses can put up 31 points against them, the Buckeyes certainly can (no disrespect to those teams).

Secondary. The big plays have got to stop. Whether its miscommunication or guys simply being out of position, they have to end now.


Running game. Not sure how much Jordan Hall is going to play and Carlos Hyde is out. Interesting to see who will step up for the Buckeyes. We’ve talked about it all week, but Braxton Miller cannot carry the ball 27 times or anywhere close to that.

No turnovers. Too many of those last week. OSU needs to hang onto the ball and dominate the time of possession and win the turnover battle. If that happens…blowout.

Silver Bullets. OSU’s defense was supposed to be a strength, but it has looked pretty average so far. I would like to see a dominate performance by the defense. From all three areas: the defensive line, linebackers and secondary.


What do you Want to see on Saturday? California
Jordan Hall is back, and we're ready to see him in action!

Hall-mark moment.I’m looking forward to Jordan Hall’s first action in the Urban Meyer offense. I realize I should temper my enthusiasm as he will likely see limited time, but it’s exciting nonetheless.

Back to the future. Carlos Hyde is out. That doesn’t mean Bri’ontee Dunn or Rod Smith can’t have a landmark day. Two games in and we’re still waiting for a 100 yard running back.

46 for real? I keep thinking about the old Bears 46 defense that Cal runs and can’t possibly come up with a way that it can slow down the Ohio State offense. Maybe, maaaaybe, if they had Alabama talent a risky defense like the 46 would be effective. I see Ohio State pounding off tackle then taking advantage of one-on-one’s with inferior corners and hitting them hard down the field.

Communication breakdown. Whatever the issues are in the back 7 that keep resulting in wide receivers running alone behind the safeties, can we please get these worked out?

Passive aggressive. Time for head splitting from the Silver Bullets, particularly the guy wearing number 6. Time to show the world you can tackle and not just be the guy who’s in the right place doing the wrong thing. (Thanks to my buddy Greg Waller for that “right place/wrong thing” Sabino analogy)

Get LOUD. I realize it’s another sleepy noon kickoff. But if you’re going to be there Saturday, please rock the house!


Running Back….anyone? Even though it hasn’t been a stellar running attack outside Braxton, Carlos Hyde will be missed. I would love to see Dunn blow the doors off the running game.

Drive ’em Back. I have to see this defense show me much of anything this year. Is it to much to ask for to get one tackle where we drive the runner backwards?

APB Out for the Secondary. I will continue to ask for this until it happens. Our Secondary has to get better. Maybe someone should tell the safeties that they are the last line of defense?


Continue to Grow. I want to see us continue to grow as a team. Utilize Brown more in the O and keep adding these stud frosh to the defensive lineup. We have seen a HUGE difference in this team already in just two weeks. I think their is still plenty of room to do different things and no reason to panic but the B1G is coming soon.

Beat Them Up. I want to see us become more physical. We are showing that we have some speed but its been against Miami of Ohio and UCF. Smack them in the mouth on defense and put some of their players on their backs. O-linemen knocking defensive players off their feet and leave bruises that’ll stay for a good while. This team will outwork and outhustle most teams they play, but I wanna see them hurt them too.

Braxton Show w/o So Much Braxton. The buckeyes need Braxton to stay healthy. I am just like everyone else, keep him healthy. I do not have a clue what the right mix is but I can tell you that if teams are preparing to stop him, then using him to spread the wealth is definitely better then him getting hurt. I’d enjoy seeing him with some designed runs from time to time, but I think the 27 carries needs to be the last time that happens.

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