What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Penn State

What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Penn
Smooth Jazz Kenny G continues to get some love.


Kenny G. We talk about this a lot; implying that Ohio State should be ahead enough to get the backup some time. However, after Saturday’s performance, the “old right-hander” has deserved a series or two… mmmm, smooth jazz.

Pick Six U. It’s a legacy for the Lions, and even something McGloin has been a part of. PSU loves to work the short passing game, it would be amazing to continue this part of the “curse” that we have on their season.

Silence. OK, you can’t really “see” silence, but taking the crowd out of this game will be important.

Poise. Maybe if I write it this way, the offense will focus enough to not have any you know whats.

Linebacker? You. On the first play Saturday, Ohio State’s LB corps put them in a difficult hole with poor play. The Lions run a no-huddle offense that looks to get a lot of plays on the board- over ninety for the past two weeks. Having the players at this position step up and own it will go a long way to slowing down PSU’s short passing game.


Fast Start. Hit the ground running and do not look back. This team has started slow in virtually every game this year. Let’s put it all together from the beginning.

Silence the Crowd. Nothing more obnoxious than 106,000 PSU fans all dressed in white…and I’ll be right there in Beaver Stadium among them proudly wearing scarlet and gray. Take them out of the game early, please.

Pick Six University. I’d hate to see such a wonderful tradition come to an end, so let’s not let it. Looking at you, secondary. Don’t let me down.

Just win, baby! Most of you know that I have a personal aversion to Penn State, and I’m going to be in Happy Valley for the game this weekend as I said. I don’t care if it’s by one point, by ten, or if it’s a blowout (although I’d really enjoy seeing a blowout), just WIN.

Joe L.

What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Penn
More of this please...in a timely fashion.

Linebacker Play. Shazier played his best game last weekend and want to see that continue.

No Injuries. I think there was 6 times our players were down on the turf last weekend.

Turnover Battle. Obviously this is a key to all games but against a team that will really benefit from a short field this will be very important this week.

Road Win. Wins on the road are never easy – especially in Happy Valley. It will probably be ugly, but a win is a win.


Explain it to them. I’ve had trouble understanding in the past how there can be such a hated rivalry between PSU and the Buckeyes in football when there’s great respect in basketball. In honesty it doesn’t matter. Explain to them how we feel about it now and show them the new improved brand of Buckeye football.

Catch the football. For two straight weeks, dropped passes has allowed two teams to hang with us early. Maybe this is why Chris Fields has emerged. Great hands and size to boot and definitely tough to bring down. The rest of the gang has to get stick em. No excuses for dropped balls by 15 and 16

Smash Mouth Football. Take it too them and gain control early. It might be the best D the Buckeyes have faced all year but they play right into our strengths. Run over them early and often.


The First Half Counts. Every week we continue to get out of the gates slowly. With 106,000 Penn State fans (which absolutely despise us), we can’t afford to do it again. This kind of play will bite us eventually.

Fields on the Field. Up until last weekend you could have polled 100 Buckeye fans and 99 of them probably couldn’t have been able to tell you who Chris Fields was. Last week showed his ability to make catches, both easy and hard. With him on the field, the Penn State defense should have to worry about more than just the OSU backfield.

Un-Happy Valley. With the major disrespect that Lions’ fans treat our football team and fans, nothing would be better than to shut them up for another year. In order to do this, I feel the LB’s and DB’s absolutely NEED to step up this week in defense of the PSU passing game. Shut down the passing game and you shut up their fans!


What Do You Want To See On Saturday? Penn
This needs to happen this weekend. Lots of this.

A one game return of “Moxie” McGloin.McGloin has been an interception machine in prior years. I have to give him kudos for the hard work he’s obviously put in towards making himself a more

reliable and consistent quarterback. However, I want the interception machine back for one game.

Consistent Defensive Communication. It seems the defense is struggling with the basic premise of communicating with their teammates. That needs to become a thing of the past, post haste.

No injuries. I understand football injuries happen, but the ludicrous quantity of injuries we sustained against Purdue simply must be returned in full with an injury free game. Balance the scales, right Universe? ….Universe?

A win. Before the season began, I expected Penn State would go 3-9 on the year, with one of their wins being….against the Buckeyes. It had all the hallmarks: a desperate team, playing at home, against their “rival” (by the way Nits, I don’t buy that crap either – go make a rivalry with Northwestern, they want the attention). The stage was set for an ugly, ugly loss. But now? Penn State is a hair’s breadth from being the class of the B1G. That simply cannot be allowed to pass.


Quiet the Crowd. There’s no better feeling than silencing the opposing crowd with a big play early in the game. I’ve been at the last two games at Beaver Stadium and when OSU made a big play early in those games, you could hear a pin drop.

The Real Linebacker U. Penn State technically has the name “Linebacker U” but I still don’t know why. I want to see the OSU linebackers all over the field and showing them which group really is better. The OSU linebackers are due.

Braxton’s Health. Still questioning how effective Braxton will be on Saturday. All signs from practice point to him being okay, but I want to see him shake somebody out of their shoes on the field first. Then we can all breathe easy.

Fan Thoughts.

I want to see them play all 4 quarters at 110%. Silence the crowd except for us Buckeye fans traveling to support them! O-H-I-O!! – Angie (@atj1971).

I am just plain curious to see if this O’Brien team plans to play with this same fire down the stretch. – Oliver Twist (@FightOnTwist)

Consistency. It seems we follow a great o drive with a d meltdown, or a d stand with a 3 and out. Can we put it all together? – Peter Roser (@PitaTheBread)

I want to see Braxton…and Big Hank treat McGloin like a tackling dummy!!! #moxie – Howard Vrankovich (@Vransizzle)

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