What Do You Want To See On Saturday? – TTUN edition

No further explanation necessary…..

Jeff at The BBC

The new hero – We all knew Troy Smith would be great.  We all knew Beanie Wells would be great.  they broke out of their shells and BECAME heroes against Michigan.  Smith grabbed 386 yards of offense by himself in his 2004 game, and Wells broke through the line for a HUGE 52-yard TD in the epic 2006 game.  We know who the player is who’s supposed to be great.  It’s his moment to open up like his predecessors.

The big play – Take a look at all the plays of 20+ yards that have been scattered around this series since 2006.  The Buckeyes dominate this list;






Wells Ohio State 2007 Run 62
Wells Ohio State 2008 Run 59
Pittman Ohio State 2006 Run 56
Hartline Ohio State 2008 Rec 53
Wells Ohio State 2006 Run 52
Herron Ohio State 2008 Run 49
Robiskie Ohio State 2008 Rec 46
Wells Ohio State 2008 Run 42
Robiskie Ohio State 2006 Rec 40
Ginn Ohio State 2006 Rec 39
Arrington Michigan 2006 Rec 37
Sanzenbacher Ohio State 2008 Rec 35
Minor Michigan 2008 Run 33
Stonum Michigan 2008 Rec 32
Hart Michigan 2006 Run 32
Hart Michigan 2006 Run 30
Hall Ohio State 2006 Rec 27
Pittman Ohio State 2006 Run 26
Arrington Michigan 2006 Rec 26
Manningham Michigan 2006 Rec 25
Manningham Michigan 2006 Rec 24
Wells Ohio State 2007 Run 23
Odoms Michigan 2008 Rec 21
Ginn Ohio State 2006 Rec 21


Who’s going to add to this list on Saturday?  I want it to be just as dominant on our side by day’s end.

Continuation – Not only do I want #6 in a row in the Rivalry, but I have a little countdown on the right side of my blog.  I want it to stay there for a long time.  Make it happen Saturday, boys.


Blowout/vs close game – I’m torn; I’d love to see an ass-cripplin’, but also love the long term hilarity that the Rodriguez administration brings. You know what? Screw it. Let’s try this again…

New record – As of this point, Mich1gAAn’s defense has given up 309 points in 2009. The record, set by the amazing 2008 campaign, is 347. So yeah, I’d love to see us hang half a hundred on these guys and help them set a new standard in futility.

Long run – Iconic in the last five years have been a long run or two (or three or four) against the maize sieve defense. From Antonio to Beanie to Boom… What about one for Saine? Martin? Hall? Pryor? Tressel?

Mashed Taters – Remember the huge hit that last year’s “freshman savior” Sam McGuffie? Yeah, he doesn’t:

Or what about the annihilation that Little Animal put on Sheridan? It’s time that 4CA! is welcomed to the rivalry.

One false startWhat? Have you gone insane? Here’s the deal- I’m OK with one false start… by Justin Boren, followed by a personal foul for destroying whoever it is he hit. It’s not like we won’t get forty yards or so on the next play.

Shutout – Our defense can do it. While I’m at it, how about a defensive score? It’s been a while…

Gold pants – Roses are nice, but nothing beats sending our guys out with a matching set of baubles.


200+ yards rushing – We did it against Penn State and Iowa who are 10,000 times better defenses than what we will see on Saturday. If 180 of these yards came behind Justin Boren, that would be poetic. Those who transfer will be champions.

Humiliation of tsun’s offense – Those clowns up north have been talking a lot of shit this week (Rodriguez is such a class act). What better way to embarrass those fuckers than to absolutely humiliate them in the one thing that they are supposed to be decent at. It shouldn’t be too difficult considering Rodriguez runs about six plays on offense. Read option right, read option left, quick pass right, quick pass left, and a couple screens and some bullshit trickeration thrown in.

In short, I would like to see something along these lines on Saturday;


Brandon Graham with NO sacks – If we can keep Graham out of the backfield, then TTUN will have no chance.

Terrelle Pryor to have the game of his career – Heroes are born in The Game, and the best are those called “TTUN Killers”.  The last two were Troy Smith and Beanie Wells, can Pryor cement his name in that legacy?

A shutout – Yea, I’m asking for it.  I want to see TTUN score exactly 0 points on the Buckeyes.  That would go a long way towards paying them back for the 90’s.

More tears of unfathomable sadness – TTUN’s fans have given us some wonderful pictures over the years.  It would be nice to bask in the glow of another years worth.

Simply delicious
Simply delicious
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