What do you Want to see on Saturday? Wisconsin Edition

It’s time. The one Buckeye fans have had circled for the last 12 months is finally here. The team can claim all it wants that it isn’t thinking about revenge, but you just know they want to pop the Badgers one tomorrow.

Let’s see what the guys asked for, shall we?


What do you Want to see on Saturday? Wisconsin
A win over Wisconsin could be big for Fickell

Controlling the line of scrimmage. If the Silver Bullets can out pressure on Russel Wilson, we saw that he can turn the football over. The Buckeyes need a lot of pressure up front to disrupt the running game as well.

Ability to hold coverage. Many of Wisconsin’s big plays to come back late hinged on Sparty’s inability to lock down receivers. Wilson can and will buy some extra time to throw with his feet, but it is up to the secondary to keep the receivers in check.

Control the tempo. The longer Ohio State has the ball in their hands it means the Badgers can’t score. The Buckeyes need a strong running game again and control the clock while on offense. A repeat performance of what happened in Champaign two weeks ago will do just fine.

Raucous crowd. In the constant battle for home field supremacy in the B1G, the fans need to be as loud as ever. The Wisconsin fans were hopped up on beer and cheese and really shook the Buckeyes last year. We need the fans to return the favor this year.

Coaching. Pulling off an upset of this magnitude will require a great game plan. This will test whether or not Fickell and company are able to pull off this kind of feat.


A super loud crowd. One that has the Shoe rocking and the team pumped up to play. We have gone on the road twice into loud environments like that. Now it is time to flip it around. There will be a ton of 2012 / 2013 recruits there, time to show them what playing at tOSU is all about.

Braxton Miller showing more confidence in the pocket. I would like to see him get a chance to complete some passes on first and second down and early in the game. Also, when he drops back, I would like to see 1..2..3 step and get rid of the ball. Don’t want to see him hold onto the ball too long

The Silver Bullets swarming to the ball. Cut out the big plays, and control the LOS.

Eddie George getting a standing ovation at halftime when he is honored. One of the truly great all around buckeyes to play at Ohio State in my lifetime.


What do you Want to see on Saturday? Wisconsin
A lot is riding on the defense this week.

A tough defensive effort. Wisconsin seems to think that their offense will score 20 on us without difficulty. It would be nice to show them the folly of that belief. This defense has been getting better each and every week, and a huge step up here would give us great confidence going into the latter parts of the year.

Short, quick passes. We’ve yet to see it, but a couple of short passes to the receivers on quick routes could go a long way towards helping this offense get unbuttoned. If we start focusing on the running game too much, even with Braxton’s legs, Wisconsin will shut that down eventually.

A long offensive drive. We’ve yet to see the offense really put on a long drive against tough competition – Nebraska not withstanding. Against Illinois, the offense was only able to put points on the board on their first drive, and on short drives after turnovers. They’ll need more than that against Wisconsin.

Force Wilson to make mistakes. Michigan State proved that Russell Wilson will make mistakes under pressure. It is imperative that the Buckeyes force Wilson into similar situations. Good things can happen when Wilson has to act fast.


Emotion, belief, and momentum. From the team, from the student sections, from the fans in the stadium, from tbdbitl, from Skull Session,from the tailgating lots, from the Varsity Club, from Lane Avenue, from High Street, from campus, from Buckeye Nation across Ohio and the world, this will be a big one.


Physical Payback. I know we’re not supposed to talk about it, but Ohio State’s actions will speak volumes about the state and future of the program. Let Wisconsin know that they are in for a long, hard night from the opening kick or kick return. Set the tone early, and never let up.

Passing Fancy. I don’t want it to be exotic, I just want it to be effective… throw when they don’t expect it, and move the freaking chains.

Shoot To Thrill. Still no score from the defense… this needs to be the week!

In The Sack. Wilson struggled against MSU’s defense when he was pressured, and they were without Will “Mr. Congeniality” Gholston. I want to see the Silver Bullets play like someone told Hankins that there was cheese and brats in the backfield, and Simon thinks George Dohrmann was a Badger alum.

False Starts. You read that right… I want the ‘Shoe so loud that Wisconsin “Shugarts” themselves several times. No sitting on your hands if you’re going to the game- wear scarlet and get LOUD!!! (oh, and no FS for the good guys, por favor).


Smashing Russell. Man that sounds like a damn good feature film this weekend. I’d love to see the Defensive line get to Wilson either by quarterback hurry, deflection or sack at least ten times or forced turnover. It’s the key to victory.

Run Like No Tomorrow. Like my esteemed colleagues, I believe the key to victory is controlling the clock and line of scrimmage. To do so, Boom Herron needs at least 20 carries and 150 yards on the ground. If the game plan is put together well, this should be no problem. Getting him involved in the passing game would be nice too.

Beat Them Deep From 3. OH wait… it isn’t basketball season yet is it… Anyways, Drew Basil is a key in this game whether we like it or not. The only way the Buckeyes have a chance to win is to keep it low scoring. It could come down to his leg. The Buckeyes need him to be perfect in field goals and extra points to win.

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