What’s Gone On So Far In Spring Training

So we’re in that weird phase of Spring Training where the novelty of getting the gang back together has worn off a bit, but there are no games… so we’re just kind of having Chipotle line talk.

I just made up Chipotle line talk.

It’s when you go to Chipotle and a co-worker is right ahead of you in line, so you have to talk to each other, but really you both just want to get your burrito bowls and get the hell out.

That’s us.

Hence we get stories like these:

Actually, that pitching helmet thingy is kind of interesting. There’s going to be a time in the future where kids are going to look at pitchers just wearing normal caps on the field and have the same reaction we do to pics of hockey goalies not wearing a mask, aren’t we?

The rest of those stories, though? We knew they were in the pipeline.

I guess there’s a comfort in knowing that baseball is coming. And soon. But for the next 9 days, we’re going to have to stay thirsty for some real Cardinals news.

Photo: Odyssey

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