What’s Next for the Reeling Phillies?


The Phillies season ended with a 72-89 record for the second s http://gty.im/83903212 traight year. October has been all about watching the playoffs instead of playing in them. Something has to be done to turn this around, but what exactly is it?

     It’s time to sweep up that dusty corner that no one has wanted to touch. Those little dust bunnies are actually million dollar contracts that teams want and the Phillies are interested in giving away.

    The team traded former MVP and fan favorite Jimmy Rollins to the Dodgers, a move that the fans and I knew must be done, but we’re still unhappy.

    Isn’t that the feeling for all news about the Phillies?

    I have gotten tired with General Manager Ruben Amaro, as he has decided to stand pat the last couple of years. He has not made moves to improve the team. The fans are too smart to realize that the players on the field are not good enough to make it to the playoffs.

    I personally do not like the Rollins move. He did so much for the city and led this team to a championship. I know it was the right move because Rollins was due $12 million this season, but I think this shows that an end of a great era is coming to an end.

    That era led to two MVP’s (Rollins and Howard) and a World Series win.

    The World Series in 2008 was followed by another run to the crown but fell short to the paramount Yankees.

    The 2008 World Series MVP, Cole Hamels has made a great career here in Philly, as he is one of the top pitchers in baseball.

    Young talent like Ben Revere and Domonic Brown has helped the team on offense, as well as defense.

    Chase Utley is always the face women want to see. He has done so much for the team in his career, but injuries have halted his great numbers.

    The Phillies have already let go of Rollins and are trying to move (old) superstar Ryan Howard.

    Cole Hamels has been in plenty of trade talks and the team looks interested in shipping him away.

    Ben Revere and Domonic Brown are both free agents and the team has yet to make significant progress on signing either one.

    Chase Utley has been looked at by many teams and Ruben has talked to all of them.

    As many fans agree with moving all these players and rebuilding the team, I do not.

    Changing the face of the team and getting rid of the players that made this run so special will show that the team is quitting. I know Ryan Howard and Cole Hamels are both owed more than $20million in the next few seasons, but it is the wrong decision to let these players go.

    All of these players have done amazing things here in Philadelphia, so why does all the fun have to end?

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