Wheeler Should Be Able to Pitch Tomorrow

Even though Dan Wheeler went for three innings last night he should be able to go tomorrow if needed. From ProJo:

Wheeler Should Be Able to Pitch TomorrowJIM HICKEY: We had a conversation last night prior to sending him out there for, I believe, part of the third inning and even the fourth inning. I had seen him do it before in Houston where he would pitch two-plus innings, three-plus innings, parts of four innings, extra-inning games where it was do-or-die, winner-go-home type of a thing, and I told Joe he would be fine, and I knew he would be fine, and I’ve seen him also rebound from that well.

I would anticipate that he would be able to pitch Monday, but I would also agree with what Joe said, just wait until the emotion type of stuff goes away and then see where we are. But I would be surprised if he wasn’t available.

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