The Manu “Where Amazing Happens” NBA playoffs commercial is 95% Ginobili bald spot

So I’m a Raps fan but I’ve been a huge fan of the Spurs long before the Raps were even born, and was extremely upset that they lost to JJ Barea and the Mavs on Saturday.  Funny thing, was during the game, this Manu Ginobili “Where Amazing Happens” spot comes on:

And all I could think about as I watched it was:

0:00-0:05 Man, I wish Manu was in the…..what the….Manu’s balding…I mean he’s got one big bald spot…..

0:05:0:25  Wow, I wonder if he knows he’s bald, I mean….how would you know?  Maybe, you’d only know if your wife/girlfriend told you or your boys would have to tell you.  Like maybe Tim Duncan told him or Tony.   Shoot, do I  have a bald spot and no one’s told me yet?  Seriously, 20 seconds of this clip is like a slow-motion focus on Manu’s bald spot.

0:25-0:30  Hmmmm, @anklesnap was right, he does have a strking resemblance to Bronson Pinchot.

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