Where did all the Yankee fans go?

Living in the San Francisco Bay Area I get to see my fair share of bandwagon fans, especially when the Giants, A’s, Raiders, and 49er are all in the basement. When I first moved out here there were Yankee bumper stickers and hats everywhere. Oh how times have changed, now the only Yankee hats you see are the red ones the gang bangers wear. On my way into work today I saw “Go Red Sox” written into the dust on the back of a truck. The Sox have become America’s team. I just hope that all of those people who “lost” their Yankee hats don’t start wearing Boston gear.

The Yankees appear to be in big trouble. Torre is in Lala land. Players did not like Girardi in Florida. Pettite is gone. Clemens is done. Their best hitter is gone. Rivera can’t beat the Sox. Jeter can’t pay for his date’s parking.

Have things ever looked better in Red Sox Nation?

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