Whoa, a live blog? Kinda…

Ok, doing things a little different, a kind of live blog. I will be putting down my thoughts as they occur during the game. So writing is live, but will be published after the game. That means I may use present and past tense, get over it. 😛

1st Period:

-Fiddy! Way to win that opening face off! I wonder if this will set the tone?
-Labarbera isn’t looking so sharp in net. Good feeling is wearing off.
-CRAP! Chicago scores on a rebound. Labarbera looked out of position and rusty. 
-DAMNJOVO! Freaking taking a penalty right after Chi-town gets a goal??
-Why do I always forget Hossa plays for Chicago? 
-At least my dinner is done. Yum
-Another penalty? Did I miss something on this one?? I didn’t see anything but it might have happened when I was stuffing my face with chicken… And it had to be Fiddy? Great. 
-ok, time to start thinking positive thoughts.
-Strader, those are not the kind of stats I want to hear.
-Oh damn Mueller, that was awesome! Too bad it didn’t go in. Keep trying, eventually it will!
-Oi. Labarbera, get it together!
-End the first down 1-0.

Ok, time to go through the weeks mail. See you back after intermission!

2nd Period:

-Annnnnnd we’re back! Let’s go boys! I know its in you!!! 
-OMG Pruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! You almost had that one! Next one babe!
-DOANER getting some good chances. Keep it up boys, it will go in!!! 
-Oh thank god
-ACK! Stop letting them get close. You are gonna give me a heart attack boys!
-oh Yandle, good job!
-I think its about time for a Coyotes goal.
-haha, Aucoin just stands him up. Thats our Adrian!
-Freak, another penalty. haha, of course somehow it is Jovo’s fault! hahahahahaha
-Ohhhh Tippett doesn’t look too happy.
-I can’t watch this eeeeeeeks
-Korps doing well on the PK. What cant this kid do?
-Man, I am tired. I think I will go to bed when this game is over…
-Too many men for Chi-town. HAH! That was hilarious. Time to take advantage boys!!
-DAMNJOVO how many times do I have to tell you to NOT shoot the puck into a player of the opposing team? ESPECIALLY when that player is Hossa? Then you cant even catch him. 
-THANK YOU LABARBERA.  OMG, did I just say that?
-CZECHS SCORE ON THE PP! Petr tipped in? Please let it be my Prucha’s goal!
-Way to go Pru!!!!!! Or Vrby. I guess they are giving it to Vrby. But you know, I still say it’s Pru. You can’t score without Prucha. See, there is a C in both of them… (yah, thats the best I got there)
-End of 2nd, tied 1-1

Ohhh! Todd Walsh is going to interview Petr! I love Petr!!!!
-Petr is staring intently at Walsh. This is the first time in my life I really wish I was Walsh.
-And he is sooooo modest. He says that he didn’t get a piece of that Puck. awwwwww

3rd Period:

-Dang, I like those stats Dave! Such an improvement from last season. In literally every way
-For good measure: LETS GO CO-YOTES
-Way to go Taylor! Biting your lip always pays off.. 😛
-way to go Doan. That’s what we need to do boys
-Sami & Pru my two favorite men working this PP. Wow, Impressed my lovlies, impressed
-Mueller! With another great chance. Keep it up boy, keep it up
-Korps is trying to score in bunches again. He knows we need it
-Oh, good save Labarbera. You aren’t looking as bad anymore. Still, not great but you are looking a little more at home in the crease.
-There we go!  I ask and I shall receive! 😀 (I wish)
-Another PP? Awesome.
-Awwww Strader is quoting Panger. I miss Panger. Can we trade Nash and get Pang back?
-CRAP. Here we go to OT. I am sick of OT and shootouts.
-End of 3rd, tied 1-1


-Oh dang, so freaking close!
-GO KORPS!!!! So close, so close
-Sami! He looks tired. He’s been playing a lot and playing well. I know how to pick my Fins.
-Just say no to shootouts boys. C’mon Yotes! Put it in Huet’s net!
-HOLD IT TOGETHER BOYS! Or Fiddy… get me a shortie!
-End OT, tied 1-1


-Lang shooting first: SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTG LANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Labarbera: damn it. WTF was that Labarbera? You try to poke check Toews?
-KORPS: misses. craaaaaaaaap
-Labarbera: denies Kane. Or  more like Kane undresses Labarbera but misses. Thanks post!
-ADRIAN: OMG!!!!!! You are amazing!!!!!!
-Labarber: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The poke check works on Hossa! LMAO

Wow, so we win. That makes 6 in a row. And I love that Aucoin is becoming our go-to guy in the shootout. Cracks me up. Tomorrow we are in Dallas, again. Oi. Until then!

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